Cape Town’s Two Oceans Aquarium is offering another amazing free educational programme to inspire and uplift local aspiring marine scientists, this time for learners in their last year of school.

The FET phase Oceanography and Zoology programme is offered as a two-part course for students in their final year of high school who wish to pursue a career as a marine scientist. The aquarium is encouraging pupils to take advantage of this unique opportunity to gain insight into their possible future job.

About the course:

The high school Life Science and Physical Science curricula may provide a broad base in many aspects of these sciences, but often leaves students wishing to go on to tertiary studies in marine biology and oceanography with a very poor foundation in these topics that is not adequate to prepare them for university. The Two Oceans Aquarium Oceanography and Zoology courses exist to bridge this gap.

The course is offered at no charge to up to 50 Grade 11 students who have a keen interest in marine sciences and are specifically seeking to pursue a career in this field.

Pupils who take part will be provided with important basic principles and terminology to add to their existing knowledge in the Physical and Life Sciences.

Examples of course content include:

– Introduction to oceanography

– Ocean geology

– Ocean chemistry

– Classification and characteristics of major marine phyla

– Levels of organisation in living organisms

– Comparative life processes and physiology.

Even in the instance that learners do not go on to create a career for themselves in the marine sciences, they will leave the programme more ocean-literate and surely ensure their future contributions to our oceans in future.

Application Details:

To apply, locals can email [email protected] for application forms or call 021 814 4555 for more information.

– Zoology course dates: July 1 & 5 2019

– Oceanography course dates: September 23 – 27 2019

– Students need to do both parts to get the full benefit of this course.

– Application deadline: May 22 2019

Find more information on the course here.

Pictures: Two Oceans Aquarium


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