Rare footage of two adorable caracal cubs and their mother has been captured, showing the bond between the little family.

The Urban Caracal Project, an organisation dedicated to the conservation of these wild cats, shared the footage and have dubbed the two kittens “Luka and Impilo”, while their mother is called “Hope”.

Hope was spotted by a cyclist in Constantiaberg earlier this month, who also claimed to have seen her two cubs.

In the video, the baby caracals can be seen calling out for their mother and exploring the area surrounding the den. Their blue eyes are enough to melt any heart.

In an effort to educate members of the public about the harmful impacts of rat poison on the natural environment, the Urban Caracal Project explained the effects these substances can have on baby caracals.

“We can see Hope scouting out her lookout point before entering the den We suspect that all the females choose locations with slightly elevated points so they can safely scan the area. Raising young near urban areas can be challenging for wildlife with both obvious and cryptic threats. Kittens can be at risk to rat poison while still drinking milk, as we have found that lactating females were exposed and there is therefore a risk of transmission to kittens.”

Also read: Cape Caracals could face extinction 

Picture: Urban Caracal Project, Facebook


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