Local Johnny Hexburg has created an innovative new hot sauce that gives you all the benefits of cannabis while also satisfying your hunger for heat.

Hexburg says the inspiration came after the new legislation to decriminalise marijuana in South Africa was passed, and he decided to make a hot sauce with Sativa Cannabis.

The handmade sauce is infused with cold-pressed cannabis oil that offers all the health benefits of the popular herbal “remedy”.

Each bottle comes with its own handy booklet to explain the ingredients and the various health benefits not just of cannabis but also of the other ingredients, which include jalapeno chillies, vinegar, salt, hemp seed oil (10%), and pumpkin seed oil (5%).

Chillies provide the brain with necessary amino acids, vitamins, and minerals. Some vitamins, including folate or folic acid, play a significant role in the regulation of amino acids that the nervous system requires.

Studies have shown that a deficiency of dietary folate can increase the homocysteine levels, which can be a dangerous precursor to neurodegenerative diseases like Alzheimer’s disease and Parkinson’s disease. Jalapenos are an excellent source of folate or folic acid.

Folate has been shown to aid in neural tube formation and red blood cell formation in prenatal babies. A deficiency of folic acid in pregnant women can lead to the birth of underweight infants and may also result in neural tube defects in newborns. One cup of jalapenos contains 11% of the daily recommended amount of folate.

Along with these little-known benefits, hemp seed oil is recognised by the World Health Organisation as a natural anti-oxidant and is the only balanced source of Essential Fatty Acids, with a perfect 3:1 ratio of Omega 6 to Omega 3. It is also a good source of gamma-linolenic acid and contains a high content of the enzyme lipase, which is a superior non-invasive chelation therapy for removing plaque build-up from arteries and cell membranes.

Hemp is also the only plant oil containing Vitamin D, which is necessary for calcium absorption – especially useful to vegans.

These are some of the benefits and uses of cold-pressed hemp seed oil:

– It boosts the immune system

– It has powerful anti-inflammatory effects, helping to combat chronic inflammation

– It eases arthritic pain

– It lowers high blood pressure, may reduce the risk of heart disease and promotes overall cardiovascular health

– It supports a healthy metabolism and cell growth

– It improves brain function & focus

– It helps to reduce ADHD symptoms

– It protects the brain against age-related memory loss and decline

– It promotes healthy skin and hair

– It may lower the risk of certain types of cancer, as it helps to create an environment within the body that discourages the growth of cancer cells

– Hemp seeds are also a great source of vitamin E and minerals, such as phosphorus, potassium, sodium, magnesium, sulfur, calcium, iron, and zinc.

Eating hemp seeds can also provide your body with these benefits.

Locals looking to give this healthy, delicious sauce a try can purchase it at Earth Fair markets (on Wednesdays 16pm to 21pm and Saturdays 9am to 2pm) or at the Bay Harbour market (on Fridays 7pm to 9pm, Saturdays and Sundays 9.30am to 4pm) or at www.johnnyhexburghotsauce.co.za at R140 a bottle.

This local company is also busy with a CBD (Cannabidiol) oil-infused hot sauce that should be released in the next four to five weeks.


If you’re looking to learn more about weed in South Africa check out our what you need to know article and if you’d like to see more local produced that are cannabis infused check out our Cannabis Expo comes to Cape Town article. If you’re wanting to grow your own at home check out our local nursery sells growing kit.

Picture: Facebook/Johnny Hexburg


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