A Cape Town-based company is taking helping those entering into the job market for the first time to new levels as part of their #GiveTheYouthAChance campaign by offering job-seekers a chance to apply for free Uber vouchers to get to their interviews.

Trusted Interns is a job-finding platform that helps connect prospective employees with those seeking new staff and now they have added an offer to sponsor an Uber ride to their website. This new feature connects to their bigger three-part campaign aiming to instill a sense of hope, provide better access and give more people the opportunity to find jobs in 2020.

The beginning of the year is notorious for being the time where most people job-hunters are in search of work and while finding a job is already difficult in the South African market, being able to afford getting to and from an interview is even more challenging.

This is the opportunity to make a difference that Trusted Interns has identified. Transport to and from interviews is one of the most difficult things for new job seekers, according to the company’s 40 000 strong job-seekers.

“All my three previous interviews I had to practically beg. The second one I went and came back with last cents, hungry and tired from all the walking,” says one of Trusted Interns’ job-seekers.

According to the company’s founder, Jared Raizon, South Africa has more problems than just the need for job creation.  There are too many challenges for those attempting to enter the workforce, making it impossible for them to have proper access to the opportunities that are out there.

“We were arranging interviews with employers, but our graduates were not showing up. We knew our community was committed, and so, something had to be wrong. We decided to pick up the phone and find out what,” said Raizon to Good Things Guy.

This inspired the new partnership with Uber, who graciously donated R10 000’s worth of free rides. The ride-hailing company has also pledged to match public donations if they reach a further R10 000.

Contributing towards the cause of those looking for a job is as easy as donating to their Back-A-Buddy fund here. 

Young people starting their careers is an important part of our country’s economy and it is the responsibility of each person in the nation to uplift others to the best of our ability even if its with a simple Uber ride.

Picture: Pexels
