It’s official Cape Town, our dam water levels have reached the 84% mark. The Western Cape’s Water Supply System increased significantly after the torrential downpour received last weekend.

Capetonians can celebrate the fact that we are out of the Day Zero danger zone. Mother City residents should, however, continue with the water saving efforts upheld during the height of the drought.

Water is a precious, invaluable resource that no one can live without. We should consider ourselves fortunate to have such an abundance of water.  Gauteng is currently in the process of rolling out water shedding. Five villages in Tsomo, Eastern Cape have had no running water for over three months.

Capetonians can work together to ensure the threat of Day Zero remains a thing of the past. By practicing the invaluable lessons of sustainable water usage, our dams will continue to remain bountiful.


Image: Pexels
