Research carried out over the last year has ranked the word ‘Cape’ as South Africa’s most used word on local Wikipedia pages.

Due to the popularity of Cape Town in South Africa and Africa as a whole, the country’s most featured word on our English Wikipedia pages has emerged as ‘Cape’.

This comes as no surprise to us, Cape Town is loved far and wide by all.

BrilliantMaps did research throughout 2017 to uncover the world’s most used online words and produce a world map of the most prevalent words used in each country.

The study revealed some interesting results as many countries across the world had a variety of unusual commonly used words.

In China, the word ‘dynasty’ is at the forefront of frequent use, in the United States of America, the word ‘war’ came out on top and in Russia, a very commonly searched word is ‘soviet’.

In Africa some of our most featured words are ‘school’ (in Ghana), ‘south’ in Lesotho and ‘president’ in Malawi.

Interestingly enough, due to political tension between the North and South Korean, the most commonly used word in North Korean is ‘south’ and in South Korean its ‘north’.

It is common in each country that some of the most prevalent words are affected by the features, languages, traditions or cultural aspects as well as historical happenings.

Most island countries have ‘island’ as their commonly used word and some areas in Africa have ‘Africa’ as their most common word.

In South Africa, we’re lucky enough to have the Mother City’s beauty to inspire us.

Pictures: BrilliantMaps/Pexels


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