Capetonians love their furry friends and are now being recognised for it. In a list complied by data comparison platform, ScanMovers, the Mother City has been listed as one of the world’s best cities for dog owners.

In creating the list, ScanMovers referred to a number of variables. These include the number of pet dogs per person, number of dog parks per square km, number of dog-friendly restaurants per 10 000 people, doggie daycares per 10 000 people, leash obligation score, rain index, and veterinarians per 10 000 people. Each factor was weighted differently and they created a formula to determine a final score.

Cape Town ranked in as number 10 on the list of best cities in the world for dog lovers. In their rationale, Scan Movers mention the extraordinary story Just Nuisance and the organisation ‘Dancing with Dogs’.

“There are some stories of extraordinary dogs and one of them left his paw prints in Cape Town’s history,” writes Scan Movers. “The Great Dane, Able Seaman Just Nuisance, was born in Simon’s Town and became the first and only canine member of the Royal Navy in Cape Town. He was mostly adored because of his love and care for his sailor mates.”

The City of Cape Town has an organization called ‘Dancing With Dogs’ where they encourage dogs and their owners to dance together to celebrate their unique bond and foster this bond by learning new dance moves and tricks. Doggy Dancing in Cape Town, who is not tempted to try this out?”

Cape Town also made the list for its high volume of veterinarians and dog-friendly eateries.

“Cape Town scored very high on the number of veterinarians, they had the most veterinarians per 10000 people after Venice, and also obtained points for the number of dog-friendly restaurants and doggie daycares.”

The majority of dog-friendly cities are located in North America and Western Europe. Cape Town and Cairo are the only African countries to make the list.

The Mother City came in as the tenth spot.

Here is the top 10:

  1. Miami
  2. Milan
  3. Las Vegas
  4. Tucson
  5. Bratislava
  6. San Diego
  7. Venice
  8. Minneapolis
  9. Austin
  10. Cape Town

Picture: Pixabay
