Two projects based in the Western Cape are scheduled to receive the countries biggest wind turbines to date within the next year.

Enel Green Power, an energy management and development company, has awarded one of the world largest turbine installation and manufacturer companies, Vestas Turbines, an order of V136-4.2 MW turbines for two separate projects in the Cape.

Scale of a turbine rotor

Two wind parks in Karusa and Soetwater in the Western Cape will feature 35 turbines, each with a hub height of 82 meters.

Vestas Turbines in Central Puerto

The new wind turbines making their way to Western Cape wind farms will feature the largest Vestas rotor diameters in Africa.

With the 4.2MW Power Optimised Mode for the sites’ medium-speed wind conditions, the V136-4.2MW will boost performance and increase annual energy production.

Vestas Turbines in Mongolia

To lower turbine downtime and the overall cost of energy, the project will also include a VestasOnline Business SCADA solution.

The contract includes supply, installation, and commissioning of the wind turbines, as well as a 5-year Active Output Management 5000 (AOM 5000) service agreement.

Darling Wind Farm, Western Cape

Turbine delivery and installation are planned for the second half of 2020 and will enrich the South African energy scene and slightly reduce dependence on other forms of energy.


Pictures: Vestas Facebook/Instagram


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