Cycling is a hugely popular form of exercise both here and further afield, and as more and more people strap on their helmets and take up their cycling gear, a number of cities are being named the best cycling cities in the world – Cape Town included.

Dutch moving platform ScanMovers did a comprehensive research report to determine The 100 Best Cities in the World to Ride a Bicycle, and the Mother City made it into the top 25.

Being from the Netherlands, ScanMovers knows a thing or two about what it takes for a city to be a top cycling spot and used their extensive experience to find a few of the world’s best cycling cities.

The research report looked at viral bike-ride indicators such as bike lanes, bike shops, the share of cycling mode, bike rental companies, bike sharing schemes, helmets, government support, bike fatalities, and the general buzz around cycling.

The report is the result of six weeks of extensive research and consideration, and found these cycling cities to be the top 25:

  1. Amsterdam
  2. Luxembourg
  3. Malmö
  4. Copenhagen
  5. Utrecht
  6. Dublin
  7. Rotterdam
  8. Auckland
  9. Wellington
  10. Seville
  11. Strasbourg
  12. Groningen
  13. Vancouver
  14. Gothenburg
  15. Sydney
  16. Nantes
  17. Munich
  18. Stockholm
  19. Antwerp
  20. Bratislava
  21. Bordeaux
  22. Zurich
  23. Barcelona
  24. Cape Town
  25. Oslo

The Mother City made locals proud coming in at number 24, beating out many international cities in the process and proving our city is on top of the worldwide cycling trend.

Many feel Cape Town still needs a lot of work when it comes to the city’s cycling infrastructure and safety, but hopefully we can continue to climb the list in the years to come.

Picture: Cape Town Cycle Tour


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