Tam Emery (13) from Rondebosch, Cape Town has dedicated her lockdown to helping those in need by running a small cinnabon delivery initiative, with all proceeds going to a local soup kitchen.

Tam has always loved baking and during the lockdown she decided she would turn her love for making cinnabons into a way to support Helen During’s soup kitchen that helps feed hungry families in Langa.

Tam on a delivery, dropping off cinnabons in her neighbourhood.

Capetonians have been beaming with pride as Tam was able to raise over R5 000 to support the local soup kitchen but she didn’t stop their.

Due to her continued effort and support from locals and other little bakers, Tam has now raised over R22 000 for a good cause.

Since her initiative first started Tam has been joined by three new bakers, Diya, Nicole and Kate.

Tam’s cinnabons baking team.

“They have been constantly fully booked. Last week we had a lady, who would like to remain anonymous, donate R2500 for the girls to bake 100 buns for an old age home. Such an incredible pay it forward gesture. We selected Fairmead Court residents to be the recipients as Tams great granny used to live there,” says Tam’s mother Debbie.

The girls delivered the 100 buns to the home on May 29 and it took them two weeks to prepare for the delivery along with regular orders.

“It is a pity they couldn’t see the smiles on the residents faces, but hopefully they all got to enjoy the treats,” adds Debbie.

As South Africa prepares to head into lockdown Level 3 and the country starts slowly but surely recovering from the nationwide lockdown, it’s inspirational stories like Tams that remind us, we can get through anything and help others in need along the way.

Pictures: Supplied
