Tucker the dog was left to die of starvation as his owners ignored his deteriorating condition and left him outside their home for days. One day, a good Samaritan called the SPCA and that was when Tucker’s new life began.

The team at the Cape of Good Hope SPCA were deeply touched by the friendly little soul named Tucker, with one member of the team, Chief Inspector Jaco Pieterse, taking a special liking to the cheerful hound.

Despite being on the verge of starvation and being neglected by his owners, Tucker still wagged his tail and welcomed the team as he was loaded into the caring Inspector’s vehicle. He knew he was being rescued.

Tucker shortly after being rescued.

Since then, the team at the Cape of Good Hope SPCA and residents across Cape Town have fallen in love with Tucker.

Chief Inspector Jaco Pieterse asked supporters to help him raise R40 000 for proper treatment and care for Tucker and other dogs like him.

“It is my birthday on 18 May and I please ask of you to help me save Tucker and others like him. Your donation will be my best birthday gift ever! I lost my heart to this boy the minute I saw him – he is a walking skeleton and had been starved for weeks before being rescued by the SPCA! In spite of this he is a gentle giant and so deserving of a loving home,” said Pieterse.

For Tucker to properly recover, a special diet, a lot of love and veterinary care was needed. In just a few short days, the goal of R40 000 was reached and Tucker is already looking like a different dog.

On May 18, Pieterse’s birthday, Tucker found his forever home. Pieterse gave Tucker one last cuddle before going to his new owners.

Watch Tucker’s excited goodbye below:

You can donate towards Tucker and other dogs just like him here.

Pictures: Facebook/Cape of Good Hope SPCA
