Many people have a lot of free time on their hands amid the nationwide lockdown. One Capetonian couple put that time to good use and created a ‘pavement library’ allowing locals to freely rent books and DVDs to entertain themselves.

Carolyn and Stefan Cramer are creators of the Lazee Library, a pop-up book and DVD sharing library based in Land en Zeezicht outside the Beaumont Primary School pool.

The Cramer’s began the library after decluttering their garage in their Somerset West home. They explain to News24 that they discovered many books they were unlikely to read again, and decided to share them with their neighbours for free.

Once lockdown regulations eased the pair packed the books, along with DVD’s and puzzles, in crates and displayed them along their pavement.

Credit: Facebook / Lazee Library

People can help themselves to a book or DVD and return it when done. The library is open Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays, weather dependent. The library works on the honesty system, as it’s the job of the visitor to return the books once read.

The Cramer’s make sure to follow health guidelines, and have provided hand sanitiser to prevent the spread of germs. Visitors are also encouraged to wear face masks and practice safe social distancing when looking at the books.

Credit: Facebook / Lazee Library

The Cramer’s encourage locals to donate old books and DVD’s when they rent or return one from the library. Simply pop your donated books into the crates.

Picture/s: Facebook / The Lazlee Library
