The City of Cape Town’s Metro Police Chief today recognised an outstanding member of the department’s K9 Unit and awarded him with a service medal for his fine work. K9 officer Savage, a three-year-old Sable German Shepherd, has been putting in a stellar performance in 2019, sniffing out drugs at a rate of knots.

The Metro Police K9 Unit consists of 25 canines, 20 of whom are on active duty and specialising in the detection of narcotics, explosives and copper. Three are currently on training, one is breeding and another one has been seconded to assist the Law Enforcement Metal Theft Unit.

Officer Savage and his handler, Constable Mosuli Faku, have been working together for nearly three years and the pair have been star performers in the K9 Unit this year.

In the last six months, officer Savage has accounted for six arrests and the confiscation of:

– 85 units of unga

– 690.5 mandrax tablets

– 69 units and 18.29 grams of cocaine

– 424 bankies and 20 288 grams of tik

– dagga: 104 stoppe, two bags and 515 bankies

– cash to the value of R2 630

The estimated street value of the drugs recovered by the K9 is R160 000.

“A number of our canines are new, so officer Savage is setting a wonderful example for the rest of the team. His performance in the first six months of this year has been noteworthy indeed, and has ranged from sniffing out drugs hidden in trees and even underground. Officer Savage is an asset to our efforts to curb the illicit drug trade, and we felt it appropriate to award him with a service medal in recognition of his efforts,” said Metro Police Chief Wayne Le Roux.

In the twelve months between 1 July 2018 and 30 June 2019, the Metro Police K9 Unit has achieved numerous successes. These include:

– 156 arrests (66% of these drug-related)

– 186 operations (both joint and autonomous, vehicle check-points etc.)

– 2 vehicles recovered

– 5 firearms recovered/confiscated

– 86 rounds of ammunition recovered/confiscated

– 4 226,25 units of drugs confiscated

– R33 471,80 in cash confiscated

– 4 765 units of abandoned drugs confiscated

– 30 rounds of abandoned ammunition recovered

“Our specialised units perform a very critical function, in particular our canines. Over the years, drug dealers have become increasingly creative in hiding their wares, but our dogs are up to the task. They have enlightened their handlers with these finds, so now officers know how to adjust their search patterns when they conduct operations.

“We are very proud of the work done by our K9 Unit, both during enforcement and also through their education and awareness outreaches. They have helped us develop strong bonds with communities, particularly in teaching children about the role of law enforcement, but they are also a criminal’s worst nightmare. It’s a perfect balance,” Le Roux added.

Picture: Supplied


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