A mesmerising and magical light show was projected onto the silos of the Zeitz MOCAA earlier this month, and has set the record for being the largest 3D Projection Mapping display in Africa.

The creator behind the masterful display of technology, design and artistic skill is a local resident, Fabian Humphry. Humphry is also the owner and founder of Laser Shows SA, a company that specialises in laser light shows, 3D Projection Mapping and holograms.

In a social media post, Humphry said the project took him and multiple collaborators several months to complete.

“Months of hard work made worthwhile in just five minutes at Zeitz MOCAA silos last night. Proudly setting the record for the largest projection on the continent. Thanks to all involved. Special credit to Venturescapes Events,Philip Beardwood and YPO for making this possible.”

In display at once life-like and surreal, the Zeitz exterior’s grain silos were turned into a canvas of whirling colours, fantastical, futuristic scenes, and crumbling, twisting towers for five minutes.

Three individuals also featured in the show, performing in harnesses while hanging off the top of the silos and becoming part of the scenes, to incredible effect. One minute, the performers appeared to be running along streets in a digital Sci-Fi world, the next, somersaulting over giant rippling bricks.

The display utilizes the technology and work of 3D Projection Mapping, also commonly referred to as 3D Video Mapping, which uses objects as projection surfaces.


Picture: Fabian Humphry, Facebook


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