Families that are not able to be together during lockdown are having a tough time, but especially those whose newest little additions to the family are isolated in neonatal units at hospitals.

No other persons except for the newborns’ mother are allowed in these units as the babies are either premature or sick, making it hard for excited fathers, siblings, grandparents and friends who can’t visit.

Now, internet provider RSAWEB with the help of non-profit organisation Newborns Trust has generously donated free WiFi to the Neonatal Unit at Groote Schuur which accommodates 80 babies so that mothers and babies in these units can video stream to their families.

“Having a baby is one of life’s greatest joys. But when something goes wrong, and your baby needs to be in hospital for weeks or sometimes months, it can be terrifying and lonely. Add a global pandemic to the mix, and our moms are in uncharted territory. Moms feel isolated and scared,” Newborns Trust said on their Facebook page.

This will be a wonderful way for loved ones to meet the baby, comfort the mom in a trying time and be able to keep in touch regarding the baby’s progress.

“The WiFi donation has been life-changing for our moms. Instead of spending hours worried and alone at their babies’ bedsides, they are now able to connect with loved ones via video calls, share pictures and research their babies’ conditions. They’ve absolutely loved being able to stay connected,” Amy Mac Iver, Trust Manager of the Newborns Trust told Cape Town Etc.

Take a look at this heartwarming video of mothers in the units:

To find out more or get involved,  email [email protected] or follow them on Facebook.

Picture: Pexels

