While cruising through the bay in Gansbaai last week, the Dyer Island Cruise ship come across a magical sighting of a newly born Indian Ocean Humpback Dolphin and her mom.

Mom and her little baby were seen traveling with three other Humpback Dolphins when the team aboard the boat were able to grab some great shots of the passing pair.

Mom and her baby happily swimming along.

The pictures magnificently captured the two dolphins as they frolicked in the waters. A few pictures even managed to capture the tiger stripes on the young dolphin, which develop in the uterus as the calf grows and disappear slowly with age.

A clear picture of the baby dolphin’s tiger stripes.

As the Dyer Island Cruises ship passed by they welcomed the new little arrival to the bay.

Seeing a new member of the Indian Ocean Humpback Dolphin is a true cause for celebration as these majestic creatures are in fact endangered.

It is estimated that the current South African population is less than 500.

Pictures: Dyer Island Cruises


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