A participant from the recent season of Survivor SA is making waves by inspiring a new initiative called #LoafDay that is encouraging South Africans everywhere to do good.

Paul Smulders first started handing out bread loaves to those in need every Wednesday to feed hungry people in his neighbourhood. After doing it for a while he felt so inspired by the change he felt he was making that he decided to invite others to join him and started a Facebook group that now has hundreds of followers.

“I’ve come up with an idea to make Wednesday “LOAF DAY”. Yes LOAF all you want… What’s that you ask? Well, nearly every day while I’m on my rounds I pass many street corners and places where there are jobless people either asking for funds, food or work. I honestly cannot help them all BUT it got me thinking … If just 250 of my friends bought 2 loaves of bread which costs R20 on a Wednesday and cut them in half (which makes 4 half loaves) and while en route gave 4 hungry people a half a loaf of bread, we would have fed a minimum of 1 000 hungry people on a Wednesday! On my last two Wednesdays I managed 40 half loaves on my travels,” says Smulders on the group.

Smulders with a fresh loaf of bread.

Since the group began Smulders has received a flood of messages from locals everywhere saying how much they love the idea. As the pages popularity grows more people are joining the movement and feeding those in need every #LoafDay.

“All I ask is that you do four! Would this not be better than nothing at all? Believe me, it is incredible to see the gratitude and smiles on many faces. One of the guys even gave me a BIG smile and said, ‘Thank you, it’s even fresh’. Yes, I go and get fresh on the day! So guys I urge you to take part with me on my “loaf day” drive! Let’s make a difference in our community! Let’s spread the love for Loaf Day far and wide… share and care,” Smulders adds on the group

It sounds almost too simple to be true. To bring about positive change in your neighbourhood, all you need to do is buy a loaf of bread every Wednesday and go for a walk in your area.

After you have your loaf, simply split it in two and find two people in need for food.

Smulders’ moving gesture has even inspired a spar in Gauteng to sell #LoafDay bread at R6.99 every Wednesday as part of the initiative. Another Spar in the same area pledged that they will donate a loaf for charity for every 20 that are bought as part of the #loafday special.

Even stores are starting to join the cause SPAR in Primrose is selling loaves of bread for R6.99 on Wednesdays as part of the #loafday initiative. SPAR The Square will also donate a loaf of bread to charity for every 20 that are bought from their #loafday special.

It is amazing to think that one man has been able to bring about such change by just purchasing a loaf of bread every Wednesday.

Check out the #LoafDay group here.

Pictures: Pexels/Facebook
