Yesterday Bergvliet High School shared that one of their pupils as well as her mother were hit by a car while attempting to cross at a pedestrian crossing in Bergvliet Road.

Early on Monday morning before school started, a Grade 8 pupil from Bergvliet High School, Owami Mthati and her mother were crossing the road near Pixie Wonderland when a car hit them both, knocking them to the ground and causing minor injuries.

Reportedly the driver that hit the two as they were passing the road took full responsibility for the incident and stopped to help as well as visited the police station to provide a statement, the weather was bad and he did not see the crossing and could not stop in time.

The school shared that when the incident occurred a number of members of the public immediately provided comfort to the two victims involved in the accident.

“We sent two of our staff members and staff as well as concerned parents from the crèche, Pixie Wonderland nearby to where the accident took place immediately got involved. They brought blankets, prayed with them and kept their spirits up while we waited for the ambulance to arrived,” said Bergvliet’s Principal Stephen Price.

A parent who witnessed the incident from Pixie Wonderland sat in the rain and held the young girl’s hand to keep her calm until the emergency services arrived.

“We are grateful to everyone who stopped and assisted or showed concern for their wellbeing. Owami and her mother have been discharged from hospital and are recovering nicely,”said the school on their Facebook Page.

Members of the community also assisted in directing traffic and made sure incoming motorists slowed down before the site of the accident to ensure the safety of those injured in the incident.

“We are grateful for everyone who got involved, the incident was very traumatising for all of our pupils and those involved as we were very anxious and worried about Mthati and her mother. Luckily we received word from the hospital that the two only had minor injuries and that they were in good health following the incident.” said Price.

The incident could have been far worse if it weren’t for the kindness and quick actions of the community that rallied to help those injured, we for one are proud of our fellow Capetonians for helping those in need.

Picture: Pexels
