Granny Charlotte, grandmother of famed surfer Roxy Davis, is using her knitting skills to create dolls to comfort children who appear in the Wynberg Magistrate’s Court. Davis is an eight-time South African surfing champion and professional surf coach, and also has a foundation where she uses the water sport as therapy for those in need.

“These teddies, bunnies and beanies are made with so much love and care. My gran knows that for some children this will be their only precious belonging to call their own,” Davis said.

Granny Charlotte, along with her best friend Alma knit the dolls as they know how unpleasant and scary a place like a court can be to a child.

I would like to encourage the community to get involved by knitting, crafting and creating for these children,” Davis adds.

Granny Charlotte, seen here with her granddaughter Roxy Davis, is knitting dolls to comfort children who have to appear in court for whatever reason (Source: Supplied)

“If you have any toys or books that your children no longer use I would like to encourage you to share the love and gift them on to these children that will so appreciate it,” Davis added.

Some examples of the dolls Granny Charlotte makes with her best friend Alma (Source: Supplied)

Children often have to go to the Wynberg Magistrate’s Court when they accompany their parents or relatives, who may be appearing in court. It is an intimidating and confusing place to be as a child.

Davis’ compassion for children clearly stems from her grandmother, as she often works with children as part of her Adaptive Surfing classes.

“Paralysis, cerebral palsy, blindness, and amputations are just some of the many physical challenges that they overcome to share the stoke of simply catching waves – and invariably trying to ride them better,” Davis said. “Adaptive Surfing, as a sport, has been rapidly growing & we are dedicated to assisting with this growth both locally and nationally.”

If you would like to donate materials to Granny Charlotte to create more dolls, email [email protected]

Picture: Supplied
