Many families have been hard hit by the nationwide lockdown. However, in true Capetonian spirit, citizens have found ways to assist those in need. Now, the Ottery Community Action Network (OtteryCAN) is launching a competition to provide food parcels to the Ottery community.

They are working as part of the Cape Town Together community response to COVID-19. According to OtteryCAN, the people of Ottery are suffering tremendously at this time.

“The impact of lockdown on the people who live here is crippling. They have a roof over their heads, but no money to buy food and amenities. This is a community struggling for survival,” they say.

Lauren Juries, a domestic worker and Ottery resident who is working with OtteryCAN, can attest to the hardships faced by the community. “People are struggling to get to the next day without food. They can’t even go out and ask people for help!” she wrote on Property360.

After her 13-year-old son’s life was threatened at knife-point, she realised how gangsterism had been amplified by the lockdown. It was this which led her to the decision to help the community by partnering up with her employer to create a community action network (CAN) group for Ottery to help those in need with food parcels.

In order to provide the parcels, they have teamed up with Salt Restaurant chef Craig Cormack who has been in the restaurant industry for the past 30 years, and has worked at most of the Cape’s top 5 star properties, heading places like Ellerman House and Cape Grace, to offer people a unique fine dining experience valued at R8000. The winner gets to invite 6 to 8 friends and family to enjoy a four-course meal in the comfort of their own home. 

To enter, folks buy a food parcel online for R800 from Yebo Fresh which OtteryCAN then distributes to families in need. One food parcel equals one competition entry ticket. If the price of the super-sized care package seems a bit steep, but you’d still like to contribute to OtteryCAN, you can buy a R400 food parcel.

The GooseRoaster care package supplies a typical family of 6 with everything they need to get through this phase of lockdown. The super-sized parcel includes groceries, cleaning products, vegetables and meat.

If you’d like to host your very own post-lockdown party, do some good by entering the competition and win the fancy 4-course-meal hosted by celebrity chef Craig Cormack.

The competition closes on July 2, 2020. The winner will be notified by email and the prize, which is valid for 6 months, is not transferable.

For more information go to OtteryCAN’s website and Facebook page. 

Picture: Facebook / Ottery CAN
