The well-known landmark just outside of the small town of Barrydale, Ronnie’s Sex Shop is hanging in the balance as the COVID-19 pandemic and South Africa’s lockdown continue.

Welcoming many a weary traveller along their journey, Ronnie’s Sex Shop is nothing short of an oasis in the harsh plains of the Klein Karoo.

Many may be confused by the name but this small charming location is simply an intriguing dive bar situated just off of Route 62.

The story of the small pub started when a friend of Ronnie’s pulled a sly prank by painting the word “Sex” on one of the outside walls of the store next to the already existing sign which said “Ronnie’s Shop”. All at once plans to open a vegetable stand fell by the wayside and an unusual pub with panties and bras hanging from the roof was born.

Now, with less travellers making their way through the area and alcohol off the menu, Ronnie’s Sex Shop could be no more and Ronnie is asking locals for their help.

“My name is Ronnie Price and I am crowdfunding to keep Ronnie’s Sex Shop from going under and closing its doors. This covid19 is killing me and I’m not getting any funds in,” says Ronnie on his BackABuddy page.

Ronnie asks that people help save his little icon, 22 years after it first opening by donating to his BackABuddy page, so he can welcome travellers to this unique bar into the future. The public has donated R10 320 thus far towards Ronnie’s goal of R100 000.

Pictures: BackABuddy
