Road Trips are always fun, especially when the entire family is together, pooch included. Never let the number of hours in the car discourage your excitement. Make it fun, creative, and remember to plan it well in advance.

First things first, have a playlist ready, one the entire family can enjoy, sing along to old Mac Donald and swop over to some Jazz once the kids decide to take a nap on the way.

Map out your route, plan to make stops for food and breaks in case the doggy needs the loo. Be spontaneous, if you see a small town, a farmers markers, pull over.

Play some games in the car to distract the kids and not let them realise they are sitting for long periods of time.

The license plate game – see how many states or countries you see driving around our Mother City.

Punch Buggie game – each time someone sees an old school beetle the next person gets a playful little punch on the arm.

Alphabet signs game – point out a sign or billboard that starts with the next letter of the alphabet.

Create your own scavenger hunt game –  make a list before leaving for the trip on things to collect at pit stops. These can be any random objects, from a plastic fork to finding a beautiful pebble or leaf.

Plan adventures along the way, our beautiful Cape Town has so many hiking trails, museums, nationals parks, famous landmarks and other attractions. This will do everyone good to include some exercise during your pit stop breaks and gives pooch some time to drink water and have snacks.

Activities for the kids, here are some extra tips to keep the kids from getting cranky:

  1. Use muffin trays as an activity tray for stringing beads or organising play-doh.
  2. Keep plenty of snacks easily accessible
  3. Invest in a bottle warmer to keep milk ready for babies and toddlers.
  4. Wrap up new toys in bubble wrap. Offer one every few hours. Not only will they be excited to open a gift but soon will discover the fun of popping the bubble wrap.
  5. Find pit stops where the kids can run some of the energy out such as a playground or a rest stop with plenty of trees to climb. (Keep in mind, this would be the best time to turn up that playlist once they are satisfied)

Lastly, always stops for photos, memories are the most beautiful thing that a family can have. Pictures last longer and keep every memory alive in your heart and mind.

Picture: Unsplash
