In response to the tough times elderly members of the community are facing due to the coronavirus pandemic, a local woman has taken it upon herself to set up a service that helps the elderly with their daily necessities.

Inspired by a similar service in the UK, Kate Charter took to Facebook to make a call for locals interested in helping the elderly with various needs amid the local virus outbreak that has so many residents panic buying.

“In the UK this kind of service has made a huge difference and I would like to see the same here,” says Charter.

Essentially, willing volunteers are being called to assist in any way they can. From picking up groceries and dropping them off to, other essential daily tasks that have become difficult for older people at this time, but one of the biggest challenges is reaching out to those in need.

“I am trying to find elderly people interested in the service. The hardest part is reaching out to those in need as elderly people don’t often have social media. I’m sure there are many people who live abroad and are unable to help their loved ones at this time,” says Charter.

The service will assist with a number of needs but overall, volunteers will be asked to ensure they handle their duties in a responsible way and pay close attention to ensuring no direct contact takes place.

“Anyone who can help, whether you’re happy to drop off groceries outside doors or pick them up. There could also be other essential things that need to be done, such as walking dogs or picking something up from the pharmacy,” adds Charter.

Over the next few days Charter will be setting up a WhatsApp group where eager members of the community can contact each other and extend help to those in need.

“I will set up a Facebook group and a WhatsApp group where members of the community can engage about the service. Ideally I hope that this will become a community initiative where members of the public arrange ways that they can help those in need together,” says Charter.

The Facebook page is up and running, those who would like to be involved can join here.

Volunteers can also fill in a form here for more information and to be added to the WhatsApp group.

Charter is putting out a call for anyone who would like to join the service and do their part for the elderly members of our community.

Those who would like to be part of the service can email her at [email protected] to be added to the Facebook and WhatsApp groups.

As the coronavirus outbreak in South Africa changes our way of life, locals are not letting the virus get them down. Instead, they are uniting and making a difference, even in this difficult time.

Also Read:

Locals call for ‘elderly hour’ at grocery stores

Picture: Pixabay
