Volunteer run soup kitchen Ladles of Love will tune in to the Bokke final with 150 homeless guests, who will join to watch the game on a big screen at The Hope Exchange in Roeland Street on Saturday morning.

“Our Saturday soup kitchen takes place in the middle of the rugby game and we thought it would be great to create a fan court and make it possible for the homeless to have the opportunity to support the Bokke along with the rest of the nation,” says Ladles founder, Danny Diliberto. “With generous people donating their time and equipment, we will be able to place a big screen at the soup kitchen and provide seating for 150 homeless guests to enjoy the match.”

The guests will be served popcorn and sandwiches while they watch the match live and soup will be served after the match.

Diliberto is calling on volunteers to join in the gees and help serve at the event. Ladles of Love is a volunteer run soup kitchen in Cape Town that provides over 12,000 healthy meals to the homeless a month. They distribute soup at various locations around Cape Town helped by volunteers.

“Ladles of love offers access for people from all walks of life and those that have lost their way to a wholesome meal,” says Diliberto. “All our food is freshly prepared and most importantly, it is served with love.”

He continues: “We refer to our work as Seva, which is a beautiful Sanskrit word that refers to the art of selfless service. When you give of yourself wanting nothing in return you become a Seva warrior.”

Other Ladles of Love projects provide food to struggling schools, students and communities.

There are many ways the public can get involved either by joining the team, donating, sponsoring a school feeding scheme, or becoming a partner. Go to https://www.ladlesoflove.org.za for more information.

Image: Twitter
