Lockdown has brought out the best in most. People around the world are using this time to get to know their neighbours, to help out where they can and to share in a heartwarming moment or two.

In pre-lockdown life, some of us may have passive-aggressively taken our frustration out on those closest to us: our neighbours. Now, people are really showcasing their sense of community. After all, we are stronger together.

Some neighbourhoods are banding together to cheer for their essential service workers


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Thursday 8pm, in the UK, they waited for this moment each week, it made their hearts burst with emotion and pride, it also gave them a moment to connect from afar with their neighbours… hungry for conversation outside the family unit. Each week they all came out of their front doors and applauded the hero’s and heroines of the NHS, some clapped, some banged spoons on saucepans and cheered, some let off fireworks, and one man demonstrated his thankfulness with a vuvusela. ? Thank you to all of you work in the NHS, our key workers, our refuse collectors, our milk men, the care workers, supermarket workers, bus drivers and any of our other workers that are helping keep our country going in some way….. Thank you. ?

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Others are extending their kindness as much as possible

Some are taking time to deliver home baked goods

Others are leaving gifts

Some are using the opportunity to share music with their neighbours

Then there are those that have expressed their frustration

Picture: Unsplash
