A camera is a beloved item, capable of capturing treasured memories of yesteryear. Losing this prized possession means more than misplacing a simple material item. A Cape Town man is seeking to reunite a camera found years ago with its original owner.

Réandi Walters’ father-in-law picked up a camera while on holiday at Buffalo Bay, Knysna in 2012. It is a Samsung WB150 HD 18 optical zoom that uses a special battery and charger. After asking around the area to find out if it belonged to anyone, he decided to hold onto it in the hopes he could get it to work and hopefully its contents could lead him to its owner. 

Years later, he recently got the camera to work again and discovered a collection of images stored on it. He is now searching for the original owner to reunite them with their camera and their memories.

Réandi has turned to social media to help her father-in-law on his noble quest.

“I posted the photos and it has been shared over 350 times…but no one knows anyone on that camera,” she says.

“I know how special family is and there are so many family photos and memories captured on the device. Family is everything! I would like to return it so they can sit and have a story of that camera that got away but made its return and spark memories.”

The people in the images are currently unidentified. The only lead is that a boy in the picture was once a student at Hoërskool Jan van Riebeek. Réandi has already contact the school and surrounding communities about the images.

If you are the original owner or know the people in the images, Walters can be contacted on Facebook or via 079 185 1687

Picture/s: supplied
