A mentally-challenged man who disappeared six years ago was finally reunited with his elated mother, and explained how he hitchhiked and walked more than 1 800 kilometres from his home in Delft to end up in eSwatini.

Denzil Daniels (30) had been missing for such a long time that his mother Jane had given up hope of ever laying eyes on her son again. She had even gone as far as holding a memorial service to say goodbye, three years after his disappearance.

Jane was finally able to embrace her son again when they were brought together at the Oshoek Border Post between South Africa and eSwatini.

As reported by EWN, Denzil was elated to see his mother, who immediately burst into tears when they hugged, murmuring “My child, my child… oh how I’ve missed you,” as she held on to him.

It is reported that Denzil seemed happy, but was also confused and dissociative, speaking softly. He said he had simply hitchhiked to eSwatini, making friends and working odd jobs to sustain himself.

“I helped people to earn some money, selling clothes and stuff like that… I missed my family,” he said.

It is still unclear how Denzil was able to enter eSwatini without any documents, and even he cannot answer this question.

Picture: Facebook


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