Roughly 10 years ago the Slabbert family welcomed a young male husky named Koda into their home and thought they would have him for a lifetime. However, one day Koda suddenly disappeared and after a heartbreaking search they gave up hope of ever seeing him again, until now.

A decade had gone by as the family tried to accept that he was no gone and would no longer be a part of their lives, but this month one call changed everything.

The Slabberts received a call from the Cape of Good Hope SPCA to let them know that they had found their dog, not knowing that he had gone missing 10 years ago.

Thanks to the Identipet chip that the family had inserted into Koda before he went missing, the SPCA could confirm that the dog they had just found was indeed the Slabbert’s long-lost pooch.

Chantelle Slabbert could barely believe that it was true, but when the family rushed to the SPCA premises in Grassy Park they could see without a doubt that he really was their Koda.

There is still a mystery surrounding where the dog was all those years, but one thing is for sure, if it weren’t for the microchip he would never have found his way home.

Without proper ID, 90% of all pets that go missing are never reunited with their owners.

The SPCA is stressing the importance of microchipping to give pets a better chance at coming home if they are ever lost.

“In the event of finding a stray animal, the finder is obliged to report the date and time of the rescue and a description of the animal to the SPCA. A person who rescues a stray animal must admit the animal to the SPCA Pound. Finders may not retain possession of the found animal unless due process has been followed. The stray animal will be thoroughly checked for a micro-chip in order to trace the owner,” said the COGH SPCA.

The happy family can be seen back with their beloved pet below:

After a decade this heartbreaking story finally came to a happy end with this little husky back home.

Picture: Facebook/ Cape of Good Hope SPCA


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