Besides the emergence of spring flowers, September also marks International Childhood Cancer Awareness Month and the celebration of the #bakeadifference initiative.

Every year, Cupcakes of Hope aim to raise over R2-million to help with the monthly costs associated with the medical treatment and related expenses of over 100 families affected by childhood cancer that belong to the Cupcakes of Hope family.

This year though, considering the risks associated with COVID-19 things are a bit different, and they need your help more than ever!

“With the risks associated with this pandemic, and having been personally affected by the devastating consequence of COVID-19, we have made the decision to continue our #bakeadifferencecampaign digitally,” says Sandy Cipriano, Founder of Cupcakes of Hope.

Traditionally, malls across the country have assisted in raising funds by offering Cupcake Angels space to sell their cupcakes to mall visitors. This year, the malls have continued to pledge their support via the Cupcakes of Hope website. Virtual cupcake donations can be made by choosing from a Vanilla (R25), Strawberry (R50), Chocolate (R100), Caramel (R500) or Fantasy (R1000) Cupcake, or by ‘customising’ your own virtual cupcake amount.

“We are also encouraging our Cupcake Angels who have been such incredible supporters of this cause to continue making their 24 cupcakes and selling them to friends, families, or even setting up a pop-up in their garden or driveway and selling to neighbours in communities in the month of September,” says Sandy.

Cupcakes of Hope is Non-Profit and Public Benefit Organisation,  dedicated to raising funds to assist not only the financial and emotional needs of the warriors and their families fighting the disease, but also to help drive awareness about early cancer detection in children, through the love of baking.

Picture/s: supplied
