Conradie Hospital has been abandoned for 16 years. Now, a plan is finally underway to transform the hospital’s 22-hectare site into an integrated, sustainable, affordable, and mixed-use property development. The construction of the development will take 5 to 7 years.

The planned redevelopment forms part of seven ‘Game Changers’ the Western Cape Government has singled out as projects which will improve the lives of locals.

This multi-million rand venture will be taking place through a partnership between the Western Cape Government, the City of Cape Town and the private sector.

The planned transformation is a response to the lack of employment and economic opportunities, which have been furthered by the movement of thousands of people into the City each year, who come in search of a better life.

The proposed ‘Better Living Model Game Changer’ will assist in alleviating this problem by creating affordable, integrated housing options close to the Cape Town CBD.

The project could also serve as a blueprint for how the City can unlock the economic potential of state-owned property in the future.

It is believed that this development will also provide active streets, walkable living spaces resulting in a lower need for cars, integration of different communities and income groups, and a safe environment.

The site is based west of Thornton and northeast of Pinelands, and is within walking distance of both the Mutual and Thornton railway stations.

One of the benefits of this development’s location is its close proximity to the Metrorail service and other existing public transport routes. There’s also the potential for the expansion of other public transport modes, such as the MyCiti bus service.

The site will also have interconnected footpaths and cycling infrastructure as part of an integrated non-motorised transport plan for the area.

The Department of Human Settlements says, out of the more than 3 000 residential units built, 49% of the residential development must be allocated to grant-funded housing, which will consist of social housing. The remaining 51% of the residential units will be made available to the open market.

There is a growing need in the Metro for decentralised business centres, explaining, for example, the growth in office accommodation in the southern suburbs of Claremont, Rondebosch, and Newlands. People are increasingly looking to work outside of the CBD to avoid traffic congestion and commutes to and from the City during peak hours.

This proposed development will offer 10 000m² of retail space and 14 500m² of commercial space, which will enable small business growth in the area.

It is estimated that during the building phase, 2 000 jobs will be created as a direct result of the construction activities.

The proposed development includes schools and a number of parks and green spaces to meet the educational and recreational needs of residents. The project also envisages the implementation of green technology for energy, water and waste management, adding to its efficiency and sustainability.

The proposal is open to public comment until November 14.



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