Imagine if every online store in the country could begin offering plastic-free, carbon-negative delivery. Thanks to Mielie Mailer, they can, and thanks to shifting consumer sentiment, they must. 

Three-weeks ago, Mielie Mailer launched as a greener alternative to traditional courier-sleeves/mailer bags. Their solution? An internationally certified, home compostable mailer bag, made from mielies.

The packaging has been embraced with open arms by companies of all sizes. 

Mielie Mailer has sold out their first round of stock and has begun pre-orders for 2020 – so companies can begin the new year with a cleaner, greener conscious. 


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POOF and they’re GONE ?? . Mielies Mailers are magic. In the wizarding world, they’re as revered as Dumbledore. ?‍♂️ . While they don’t respond well to traditional magical phrases like ‘Evanesco’ (that’s the vanishing spell for those who aren’t Harry Potter nerds) – our mailers, given the right environment specialize in acts of disappearance. Literally, “Poof” and they’re gone, not a trace left behind. . The concept is simple – once you receive a Mielie Mailer with your delivery, unpack your precious cargo, remove any labelling stickers or waybill and bury it in your garden, compost heap or pot-plant. It’s literally that simple. . 6-months later, all that’s left is CO2, H2O and organic matter – fuel for your plants! ? . Magic… yes. ? Witchcraft… maybe. ?‍♀️ . #mieliesinthewild #planetorplastic #climatechange #livingplanet #mieliemailer #compostableplastic #bioplastic #plasticfree #zerowaste #plasticpollution #singleuseplastic #noplastic #savetheworld #earth #sustainability #gogreen #eco

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Besides being the most sustainable packaging for deliveries out there, Mielie Mailer also plants trees to sequester greenhouse gases.

“Every delivery in South Africa, using our Mielie Mailer, removes more CO2 from the atmosphere than it creates, helping to mitigate the effects of climate change,” says founder Trent Pike.

Mielie Mailer was created to help humans make better choices for themselves and the planet. Their ultimate mission is to use nature to help save the world and create a better future today.

One of Mielie Mailer’s sustainable bags.

“We want to be enablers. We’re here to create sustainable alternatives to everyday products – most notably single-use plastics. Consumer sentiment is changing rapidly and we want to make sure that their new requirements are met. We don’t want someone to have to compromise on their beliefs because a solution isn’t available. It’s something I’ve had to do in the past and it’s not a lekker feeling,” says Pike.

According to the PWC Global Consumer Insights Survey 2019, of which South Africa took part:  

“Thirty-five percent of our global survey respondents said they choose sustainable products to help protect the environment, 37% look for products with environmentally friendly packaging, and 41% avoid the use of plastic when they can. In addition, two-thirds of our global respondents said they are willing to pay for locally produced food, and 42% said they will pay more for sustainably produced nonfood items.”

According to Deloitte’s ‘Consumer Sentiment in Retail – Insights for South Africa – October 2019’:

Consumers are strongly concerned about the use of single-use plastic bags that are seen as a major contributor to pollution in oceans and other ecosystems, and suggest the use of reusable or biodegradable alternatives.

Consumers worry that plastic waste will end up in landfills or oceans and negatively impact fauna and flora. Some consumers see it as the responsibility of retailers to require their suppliers to find alternative packaging for their products.

Over 68% of South African consumers are prepared to pay a premium for brands that have shown they are dedicated to making a positive social and environmental impact. This figure stood at 54% in 2013.

As the country and Cape Town moves towards more sustainable options for every day needs, we can change the world one delivery at a time. So stock up on Mielie-made courier sleeves and tell your friends to do the same.


Picture: Supplied
