Two Cape of Good Hope (CoGH) SPCA Wildlife Inspectors responded to a call regarding a porcupine that was in distress. The inspectors found that the porcupine had been injured by, and trapped in, a snare which was set by somebody in order to prevent animals from making their way onto the premises.

The incident took place on October 29.

The porcupine, which the CoGH SPCA named Percy, is alive and well after intensive care performed by their Animal Hospital. Dr Spies at the CoGH Animal Hospital managed to heal the wound on Percy’s neck. After the operation, Percy was kept in the CoGH SPCA Short Term Wildlife Care department in order to aid recovery.

After a few days in recovery Percy was released back into his area of origin.

Percy The Porcupine in Recovery. Image provided.

The story of Percy should alert us to the dangers of snares. Snares are extremely dangerous; not only are they harmful to wildlife but also to domestic animals. It should also be noted that the use of snares is illegal.

To avoid occurances like this in the future, the CoGH SPCA encourages everyone to fashion “porcupine friendly” gardens in places where they know porcupines live and visit. They also advise that people should consider planting foilage that is not attractive to porcupines and note that the use of fencing to keep porcupines out is another good route to take.

Finally, the SPCA urges people to be mindful of the presence of porcupines.

If you see or hear any wild animals in distress, report it to the CoGH SPCA Wildlife Department on 021 700 4158/9 or after-hours on 083 326 1604.

Image: Supplied
