Tokai Forest has come alive again as Capetonians immerse themselves in nature and embrace their new freedom under lockdown Level 3.

Many locals are taking advantage of the 12-hour exercise period to jog and walk with their dogs in one of Cape Town’s favourite outdoor spots. Those who visit are encouraged to maintain social distancing rules, and to have a mask on at all times.

Avid exercisers have also taken to social media to share their excitement over being outdoors again.

“Some more of your memory-making shots during your first week back in Tokai Forest,” Parkscape said in a Facebook post. “As ever, please ensure your safety and that of others by social distancing, wearing your mask, ensuring, now that the horses are back in the forest, that your dogs are under control – and please, dog walkers, scoop the poop.”

Here are some of the best shots:

Dog owners making use of Tokai Forest are also being urged to keep control over their dogs as the Tokai District Riding Association is currently using the forest.

“Fellow dog-lovers. Our horses have been in total lockdown since the end of March. Horses can be very nervous at the slightest little thing, even an excited Jack Russell! None of the riders want to end up in hospital at this time, so we would love you to be aware that we are trying to bring our horses back into fitness,” said Parkscape.

“If you could help us by keeping your dogs away from the horses for a few weeks or just putting them on a leash if we are nearby, we would so appreciate it! We know our horses can panic with the slightest thing, so if you could help us out please, we would be very grateful.”

Also read: Capetonians seek solution on dog poo-llution

Pictures: Parkscape
