The artistic pig of Cape Town, Pigcasso is flying the South African flag high as she is the first non-human-artist and African to design a Swatch watch.

Swatch, a Switzerland-based watch brand made the announcement of their new and limited edition, ‘Flying Pig by Ms Pigcasso’ watch earlier this week.

Pigcasso as she is aptly known was rescued from a slaughter house in 2016 by Joanne Lefson.

The talented bore lives at the Farm Sanctuary SA located in the Franschhoek Valley and is known for her unique love of painting. Pigcasso only works with child-friendly non-toxic paint to create her works of art.

The official social media page for Pigcasso describes her undeniable passion for artistic creation.

“At almost 450 pounds plus, Pigcasso is one heavyweight expressionist, creating grand artworks to adorn the walls of the art connoisseurs around the world.”

Lefson was not aware that the little piglet she brought home would become a sensation around the world when she handed the pig a few paint brushes to play with.

“Her primary purpose? To paint a better picture for pig-kind, to eat as much as possible in her lifetime – and ultimately, to hang in the Musee d’Oink-say. Hello Francis Bacon!”

Pigcasso has featured on several leading news channels across the globe such as SKY news and BBC to name a few.

According to the Chinese New Year calendar it is the year of the pig and Pigcasso is taking the world by storm.

The limited edition watch features a painting by Pigcasso on the face of the time piece. It features splashes of grass-green paint mixed with splashes of blue and a pink dial that stands out.

Swatch watches, the new Pigcasso designed time piece

Each watch comes with a certificate of authenticity signed by the artist to prove its the work of this one-of-a-kind pig along with one duplicate piece of Pigcasso’s artwork.


Picture: Pigcasso painting in Cape Town, Facebook


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