Brand South Africa, the official marketing agency of the country, together with Play Your Part Ambassadors, Goliath and Goliath, returned to Cape Town today to empower local learners to become active citizens to make a difference in the lives of those around them. 

Through the Play Your Part programme, Brand South Africa has managed to uplift youth in various societies which has yielded high returns in the quest for socio-economic development in our country. 

Since 2018, comedians and entrepreneurs, Donovan, Jason and Nicholas Goliath, have been running masterclasses for high school learners, on how to contribute to a brighter future for their communities, their country and build a positive narrative for the Nation Brand. 

The masterclass, called, “Play Your Part, turn your ideas into currency”, is part of the Brand South Africa, “Play Your Part” programme, which seeks to inspire, empower and celebrate active citizenship. 

On Friday, February 21 Jason and Donovan Goliath were joined by Play Your Part ambassador, Bulelwa Basse at Sophumelela High School, in Mitchell’s Plain together with learners from Pakama and Zisukhanya High Schools. 

“We are here to encourage young minds to be active in their respective areas of interest and to contribute in any way they can for their communities and contribute to the efforts that can make a better country” said Brand South Africa’s Activations Manager, Rabia Metedad. 

“Africa is reservoir of wealth and you are the leaders of tomorrow” added Play Your Part Ambassador, Bulelani Basse.

Pictures: Supplied
