A pop-up street store for the homeless will be taking place in the heart of the city this week, and locals are encouraged to donate to the cause and help their fellow South Africans.

Created by Street Store, a non-profit organisation, the pop-up can be created in any community around the world and is an opportunity for the homeless to shop for free.

The Street Store official website explains that the aim of the concept is to allow people from all walks of life to integrate and share their stories: “We want people to meet and to interact – so the world’s haves can meet the have-nots and they can remember that both sides are human.”

Hosted all over the world, the pop-ups are a concept that is fast gaining traction.

Different companies or individuals can apply to host a Street Store.

On March 15 2019, Storesmart, a local storage company, will host the 889th Street Store at the Cape Town Company Gardens. The company hosted their first pop-up in December 2018 and were blown away by the turnout and donations given for the less fortunate.

People on the street are no different to others and due to unfortunate circumstances, have found themselves without a home to call their own.

“A few bad decisions (sometimes not even their own) have cost them not only the roof over their heads but also their dignity,” Storesmart.

Locals are encouraged to donate the following items for the street store: 

– Men’s, women’s, and children’s clothing

– Shoes

– Underwear

– Socks

– Sanitary and hygiene products

Store Smart has set up several locations across the City where members of the public can donate items for the event, which can be found here. 

The drop off points are only open from 7am – 7pm daily.

“This is a great initiative to clear out cupboard space, but it is not “dump-our-junk-on-the-homeless” time! An unused but neat jacket might just help a homeless person get a job interview,” StoreSmart said.

Street Store in Cape Town works hand in hand with Haven Night shelter to bring the event together.

Residents are encouraged to contact  Mariaan via WhatsApp on 065 828 3275 with any queries.


Picture: Street Store, Facebook


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