The national lockdown which began on March 26 has made daily tasks like travelling and grocery shopping much more complicated. On top of that the chances of contracting the coronavirus makes these tasks more dangerous too. Shoprite took the initiative to help people with this conundrum.

Yesterday, March 30, Shoprite took a “U Save” mobile shop to Ocean View. In light of the spreading coronavirus, they are ensuring people can stay close to home, and can abide by lockdown rules much more easily.

Additionally, it takes the strain of travelling off of the residents. For those who need to use public transport, travelling to stores can be more complicated. This is because public transport only runs at certain times in the morning and evening during the national lockdown. With the mobile shop much less travelling, if any, is needed.

Image credit: Facebook / Bridgette Wyngard
Image credit: Facebook / Bridgette Wyngard

In a post on Facebook, an Ocean View resident by name of Bridgette Wyngaard commended Shoprite on their initiative. “Now our people can save on taxi fare to Fish Hoek. Especially the aged, and less fortunate. I was just there and they are practicing social distancing. Keeping positive!” she said.

Inside the mobile store. Image credit: Twitter / @AdvoBarryRoux

Facebook users in the comment section of this post were delighted to see the store helping South Africans out.”In SA we always make plans!! We CAN be creative,” said Germien Pauw.

Others congratulated Shoprite and thanked the establishment for setting up the store. “Thank you Shoprite you have the correct plan and ideas but most of all the passion,” said Brenda Boswell.

Shoprite seems committed to providing South Africans with what they need during this trying time. “In these extraordinary times, we all need to work together to serve our fellow South Africans when they need us the most. United, we shall proudly serve,” said Shoprite SA in a Tweet on March 30.

Picture: Facebook / Bridgette Wyngaard
