If you are up for an adventure, look no further. Devil’s Peak can be scaled via different trails but the Knife Edge is one of the most rewarding routes to do. This hike requires above-average fitness and moderate technical climbing ability.

Distance: 10km

Duration: 5 hours return

Difficulty: Strenuous

Start at the Rhode’s Memorial parking lot and follow the contour path to the King’s Blockhouse. From there you can see the Fire Lookout (a small abandoned brick structure), and going up you will keep to the trail that goes left. You will wind around the mountain towards Devil’s Peak summit. Yes, it will seem like you are going straight up a sheer rockface, and this part is a proper climb. 

From the Fire Lookout, the Knife Edge awaits you.

Make sure you have secure footing as a misstep could result in a nasty fall. This route is not recommended for hikers with a fear of heights.

Follow the narrow ridge of boulders through incredible fynbos and if you’re ever in doubt, the right way is upwards. Once you reach the top of Devil’s Peak, a well-deserved picnic is in order.

Enjoy panoramic views of the city and ocean. For the return journey, you can either go back the same way you came, or choose one of the many other routes descending – Nursery Ravine is a popular choice.

ALSO READ: TAKE A HIKE: Rhodes Memorial to King’s Blockhouse

TAKE A HIKE: Rhodes Memorial to King’s Blockhouse

Pictures: Paul Kennedy, Anita Froneman

Article written by

Anita Froneman