Local organisation and hiking group Take Back Our Mountains along with Table Mountain National Park worked together to clean up the Karbonkelberg mountain, a small peak located in Table Mountain National Park, on Sunday.

Taahir Osman of Take Back Our Mountains, which advocates for safety on the mountains and keeping them clean, expressed her gratitude for the large turnout at the most recent held event, #TBOM16, aimed at clearing up rubbish on the route to the peak.

“The show in numbers today is a clear indication of peoples’ continued commitment towards addressing the safety concerns on our mountains. I would therefore like to take the opportunity to thank everybody that came out today in support and making the day a success. We had a total of 184 persons partaking in this hike. Thank you for the patience exercised, given the challenges in coordinating such a large group of hikers at varying levels of fitness. It was nevertheless a beautiful, fun and enjoyable hike,” Osman said. 

All of the volunteers and hikers at the event with the rubbish collected. Image: SANParks

Osman went on to thank SANParks Table Mountain Rangers for their effort and all those who attended: “I want to especially thank the SANParks for this collaborative venture, hence the extended focus on cleaning up the mountain along our hiking route. The cleanup initiative was welcomed by the TBOM hikers and turned out to be an even huger success. Thank you to all the Honorary Rangers environmentalists, eco-activists, botanists, Hout Bay residents and the bulk of the group who constitutes the regular TBOM family.”

Beautiful views during the cleanup hike organised by Take Back Our Mountains.

Collectively, the community can work together to ensure that all public spaces such as our hiking spots are clean and most importantly, safe.

Some of the volunteers. Image: SANParks


Picture: Take Back Our Mountain, Facebook


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