The famed City Sighteeing ‘Red Bus’ is back in action and ready to welcome visitors, residents and provincial travellers. Operations began on Saturday, August 8 with new health and safety regulations in place.

In a statement, Mayoral Committee Member for Economic Opportunities and Asset Management James Vos said this follows much lobbying national government to reopen the travel and tourism sectors for leisure, with the observance of extensive health and safety protocols, in a bid to stem the current job loss.

All staff on the bus have received extensive training to ensure they understand the virus, how it spreads, the symptoms and how long it survives on surfaces as well as the required sanitisation and distancing procedures for themselves and guests.

All passengers will have their hands sanitised before boarding the bus, and are required to wear a face mask.

Here are some other safety measures they have put in place:

– Only every second row of seats is used

– Buses are fully sanitised every night and wiped down twice on every circuit during the day

– Staff in their stores have screens between them and the public

– All staff have sanitiser at their disposal

– Staff are on screened arrival and during the day to ascertain whether they have any of the observable symptoms associated with COVID-19

Visitors will also receive extensive information about COVID-19 protocols. This information is in an easy to understand picture format such as leaflets, posters, banners and signs. It has been placed on vehicle seats, sales desks, and entrance doors.

“While we are now allowed to travel within our provinces, I believe these sectors and the ones that underpin them such as restaurants, should be reopened nationally and internationally,” says Vos. “From my many engagements and site visits with stakeholders across these vital sectors, I have seen that it is possible to reopen safely and have been impressed by the extensive safety measures in place.

“Tourism is and will remain a key industry in our City and it is central to our economic recovery. I will continue to fight for the unfettered reopening of this and related sectors like food and beverages.

“The tourism bounce back strategy the City has developed together with the City of Cape Town’s official Destination Marketing Organisation, Cape Town Tourism, can ensure that we breathe life back into the tourism industry and plot a sustainable and inclusive future for this vital and vibrant sector.”

As a special post lock down re-start offer, the service is offering a Route specific ticket for only R 99 per adult. For more information and to book a trip on the bus, visit their website here.

Picture: Supplied
