Cape Town is known for its unique culinary landscape – you can find French, Thai and Indian cuisine along the same road with ease. Cooking classes are also very popular in the city, but none as popular as the bespoke classes offered by The Kitchen Collective.

Located in Schotschekloof, the exterior of the building is demure and unassuming. Once you step inside, you are welcomed by a glass of wine of your choosing. There are various cooking classes to choose from – including French, Thai, Indian, Plant-based and Mediterranean & Italian – with each class accompanied by wines from one of the many vineyards across the Cape.

The Indian cooking class is accompanied by the award-winning wines from Deetlefts Wine Estate located in Rawsonville. Canapés in line with the theme of the evening are served as you wait for the class to begin. In this case, we were served dhal paneer masala. The flavours were rich and robust, and just a taster of what to expect from the rest of the class. Conversation over canapés also help you settle and chat with the other cooking class participants. The groups are small, and there is a limit of 20 people per class.

The kitchen is state of the art (Source: The Kitchen Collective)

Everyone is welcomed into the kitchen, and this is where the magic begins. The chef of the evening talks you through all the wonderful dishes you will help cook. For the Indian class, this includes a mild Goan fish curry, a fresh mint and cucumber raita, and wonderfully delicious sweet-and-spicy tomatoes – to name but a few.

Prospective chefs hoping to participate in the cooking class are advised to be very hands-on. Everyone dives into the cooking of the dishes, and many hands make light work. If you prefer to observe and enjoy the wine, you are also free to do so.

The Goan fish curry is surprisingly easy to prepare, and is ready to eat within 15 minutes. Beautiful crockery is laid out for you to enjoy your meal, and this goes for every dish prepared.

While the food is an integral part of the culture at The Kitchen Collective, it becomes obvious that the warmth created by the experience of cooking is what really brings people together. As the evening wears on, you see the group become closer and more open to one another. What started as a group of strangers leaves as a group of friends.

Of course, the wine helps that along quite nicely. The Deetlefts Viognier is a must-try, along with the Unwooded Chenin Blanc.

Leaving at the end of the evening is a sad affair, and many stay on after the class has finished to continue chatting the night away. Rest assured, The Kitchen Collective is more than a cooking class; it is an opportunity to create beautiful memories and enjoy delicious food while you are at it.

Cooking classes start at R750 per person, and it is advisable to check their site here for more details.

Picture: Pixabay
