The Nine Four is the mysterious and invite only running club of cape town and the slick cut black running uniform will have you grabbing your takkies to head out with them in no time. The club is no mere running institution and promotes that the creation of a community can provide human connection that our increasingly disconnected society is in need of. As a member of the club – members are pushed to be the best version of themselves through learning the discipline of running and fitness.

The organisation is partly sponsored by Puma and has recently taken to the skies in spreading the message that the Nine Four stands for with the recent Nine Four Euro Tour, from Berlin to Istanbul.
Members are from all walks of life and although they may appear an unlikely bunch, this is what makes the beat of the Nine Four rumble. It aims to create a space for individuals to unite through running, a passion for creativity and partying.
It isn’t all work and no play with the recent events hosted that combine the endorphins of running with an good session of dancing because it is all about balance. The name is derived from the year, 1994 to respsent the change the political state of South Africa and welcome equality as Paul Ward, Founder shared with Business Insider South Africa, ” I wanted the name to represent a crew who is a mix of people that in previous South Africa would have been illegal”.
Located in Cape Town the organisation’s headquarters are located in Prestwich street and is home to their clubhouse called The Burrow. Everyone is involved in the events and daily schedules of the Nine Four to ensure that unity is deeply embedded and it is considered a safe haven for all members.
The logo of a white rabbit represents the idea that it is hard to catch up with these runners. The organisation aims to change the norms and challenge societal boundaries with its difference. Ward, went on to share with Business Insider South Africa what the organisation means for its members, “The Nine Four is a group of people, who will be there for you no matter what, that will help you better yourself and push you towards your goals”. One does not have to be a star athlete to join the team and can only be done so by invitation.
With Cape Town offering the perfect and picturesque backdrop for runners – it is the perfect reason to get out and get your legs moving.
Picture: Pexels