Who doesn’t like a good joke or a funny picture? We all need a bit of comic relief after a long day and this is just the idea that lead local printing company TopCopy to create the “Funny Money” concept to entertain locals and provide for those in need.

What many might have only seen recently is actually an initiative that started 19 years ago when TopCopy decided to create this initiative after the inspiration of a successful guerilla advertising campaign.

The company decided to put an advert on one side of a pamphlet and jokes on the other, then sell them at intersections allowing the sellers (who are homeless or people in need) to take all of the profits.

In exchange for contributing goods such as food, blankets and clothing to the Claremont Shelter, businesses are able to advertise on the pamphlets. Vendors who sell the pamphlets are able to sell them at any price that suits them.

Small change earned in exchange for the pamphlets helps 25 vendors put food on the table.

Funny Money vendors are clearly visible thanks to their branded bibs. Nearly 5 000 issues are printed a month with a new edition being released every three weeks.

Some of the Funny Money vendors have been selling laughter and smiles for over eight years now.

TopCopy hopes to grow Funny Money more and more each year, eventually including more educational content and other entertainment offerings.

So the next time you see a Funny Money vendor, remember to smile and don’t hesitate to buy a little laughter.

Pictures: Facebook/Funny Money
