When Roger Federer first let slip that he will be playing a charity match against his long-time rival Rafael Nadal right here in Cape Town next year, locals went wild with excitement, and now you can finally register for your tickets.

Two of the world’s greatest tennis players will go head to head in the Mother City to raise funds for the Roger Federer Foundation which will go towards education in Africa, and the link for ticket registration has just gone live.

Nadal and Federer with eager young tennis enthusiasts.

Earlier this month Cape Town Mayor Dan Plato confirmed the match, which will be hosted at 8pm on February 7 2020 at the Cape Town Stadium. “We are very excited. We are grateful, happy. Looking at their followers, lots of tennis spectators will follow them down to Cape Town,” Plato told SABC.

To add a touch of comedic relief to the much-anticipated event, fans will be treated to a pro-doubles tournament with Roger Federer and Bill Gates facing off against Rafael Nadal and Trevor Noah.

As the excitement mounts, the legendary pair are expecting to raise a record amount for charity and achieve one of the highest attendance numbers for a tennis match ever.

The legendary rivals side by side.

“I will play in my mother’s home country against my toughest rival and friend Rafael Nadal. We share not only the love for tennis but also for the good cause of giving children a better start in education and in life. It will be a once-in-a-lifetime moment for my family and I.”

Nadal, who is equally excited, said, “Roger and I have shared so many magical moments on and off the court. Travelling with him to Cape Town and playing for the benefit of children is something I am very excited about. It will be my first time in the region with Roger as a tour guide – that will be fun.”

Tickets are only expected to go on sale from September this year and no prices have yet been announced but you can officially register for them now.

If you’re as excited as we are you can register for your tickets here.


Picture: Facebook/Rafael Nadal


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