Five horses from the Metro Police’s Police Department are in search of greener pastures after they officially retired this week. The Cape of Good Hope SPCA are hoping to find homes for these fine equestrians who have served the City well.

Officers Silver, Venus, Misty, Jinx and Vossie bowed out due to age and/or medical reasons after years of dedicated service to the City and its residents, the City said in a statement.

They are aged between 14 and 25, and were handed over to the SPCA who will be tasked with finding them new pastures for their retirement.



City’s Mayoral Committee Member for Safety and Security; and Social Services, Alderman JP Smith said service animals are crucial to the City’s enforcement strategy and have racked up numerous successes since inception.

“These wonderful animals have gone about serving Cape Town with dogged determination and they’ve certainly not horsed around on the job,” he said.

During April 2018, the Service Animals Unit attended to 68 complaints and conducted 41 arrests on a range of charges including murder, possession of unlicensed firearms and ammunition, possession of drugs, assault and for outstanding warrants. They confiscated five firearms, 36 rounds of ammunition and an array of drugs and marine resources. The Equestrian Unit also clocked 152 patrol hours.

Smith said they have confidence that the Cape of Good Hope SPCA will find good homes for their beloved horses.

Seven new four-legged recruits will take over from the retirees and it will be up to the one remaining experienced member, Aldo, to help show them the ropes. The unit is also in the process of hiring four more horse-riders.

“We are delighted to see the City of Cape Town Metro Police showing such a vested interest in these horses’ care post retirement. The Cape of Good Hope SPCA will work very hard to ensure they find suitable retirement homes where they will be cared for well into their twilight years,” said the SPCA Horse Care Unit Manager, Lindsay Willis.

Anyone interested in offering the horses a home can contact Willis on 021 700 4173 or 063 235 1344.


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