The hearts of South Africans everywhere have melted from watching 93-year-old Ouma Lilly’s reaction to her grandson purchasing a new car. Her pride beams through and tugs on the heart strings of audiences, reminding us about the value of family bonds.

Jeremeo Le Cordeur, took to social media to share a heartwarming moment between him and his grandmother, Lilly Truter, when he surprised her with the purchase of his new car.

The actor, director and art director from Wellington explains the story behind the video, sharing that the purchase of the new vehicle came after his car was unfortunately stolen.

“It’s been a long journey for me to get a new car, a few years ago my bakkie was stolen outside the Baxter Theatre. It was a very difficult time and she felt my pain. Over the years she would always ask if I ever found the bakkie and when I would be able to get a new vehicle,” he said.

Le Cordeur knew the first person he wanted to share his car with was none other than his ouma.

The pair have an undeniable bond. Le Cordeur spent his childhood growing up in her house, with the tradition of the pair watching KTV together after he returned from school.

Jeremeo Le Cordeur and Ouma Lilly sharing a silly moment together

Le Cordeur says Ouma Lilly only trusts him to do her shopping.

“When I got older I started doing all sorts of stuff for her around the house, even her shopping. I’m just that one person who gets her and understands how she would like to have certain things done. Our relationship grew from there, eventually she wouldn’t trust anyone else to do her shopping,” Le Cordeur said.

Ouma Lilly couldn’t hold back her excitement as she humorously commented before they got in the car, “ja jy moet nie jou geld uit syp nie” meaning ‘don’t waste your money on alcohol’.

She continued to tell her grandson how proud she was of him and that he shouldn’t give the car to anyone. Ouma Lilly added during the drive, ‘I cannot sit in your car with my dirty overall, let me take it off’. At this point we are ‘awwing’ out loud.

When asked to describe his Ouma in three words, Le Cordeur responded,

“Three times a lady”, and we couldn’t agree more.

Watch the video below


Picture: Jeremeo Le Cordeur



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