If you live in Cape Town, you know exactly what the infamous Cape Doctor is. If you don’t, step outside but be sure to hold on to something to keep you from blowing away. Strong winds have been battering beachgoers with sands and causing all sorts of trouble on the busy roads.

Traffic came to a standstill between Paarl and Worcester earlier on Monday when a truck blew over outside the Huguenot Tunnel. Holiday-makers returning home from their long-weekend breaks were stuck in traffic until the truck was removed off the road.

In a tweet, the Table Mountain Cableway also announced that they are closed due to the adverse weather conditions.


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Holding on for dear life with the Cape Town winds #campsbay #capetown @chuckyzn @jeffrey_kilner

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Winds of up to 35km were predicted in the weather forecast today. On Tuesday, locals can expect a stronger wind speed of 37km and 31km for Wednesday. By Thursday it is expected to subside. In the meanwhile we suggest you hold on tight.

Picture: Pixabay


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