After no change in dam levels in early August, there has been some positive movement for the Western Cape’s water supply. Dam levels are currently at 80.4%, which is a 2.60% increase from last week. At the same time last year, dam levels were at 80,1%.

Consumption for the same period decreased by 33-million litres per day to an average of 643-million litres per day.

“Dams filling to over 80% is a significant milestone for the City. Although there are still almost two months left of the traditionally rainy season, it looks like there is a good probability that we will go into spring/summer in a fairly strong position, especially considering continued low consumption by residents,” said Mayco Member for Water and Waste, Alderman Xanthea Limberg.

Berg River is the fullest dam at 100.8% capacity, followed by Steenbras Upper at 98.8%  and Steenbras Lower at 81.7%.

Western Cape dam levels at 80.4%

This past week’s rains are to thank for this change. More rain is predicted for this week, which will hopefully bring an even greater increase for the next dam level reading.

According to Storm Report SA three cold fronts will make landfall this week. The first cold front already hit land on Tuesday, August 11, the next will come on Wednesday evening, August 12 and the last early on Saturday, August 15.

Read the full report here: dam levels August 11.

Also read: Three days of rain expected in Cape Town this week

Picture: City of Cape Town
