Local musician The Kiffness AKA David Scott has released his most awesome music video yet – the video showcases his lovable domestic worker Nomi breaking it down to his latest song, and is being used to raise funds for her and her family.

Scott adds captions to the music video telling the story of how Nomi first started dancing to his music while he was developing his newest song. When he shared Nomi’s moves on Twitter and received a suggestion from a fan to create a music video starring her, a truly kiff collaboration was born.

Now the song is named ‘Nomi’ and, you guessed it, Nomi is the star of the show.

For the video, Scott decided to go on a road trip with Nomi to her home, stopping at a number of cool locations on the way to film and let Nomi work her magic.

The new music video was released along with Nomi’s story and all proceeds from the streaming go towards Nomi. A crowdfunding page has also been set up on Nomi’s behalf to help her get her mother settled in in Cape Town. Within a number of days the crowdfunding target was reached and Nomi and her mother were able to get the things they needed, including a wheelchair and a gas heater for the winter.

You can check out the epic music video here:

We have to say we love Nomi and this new song from The Kiffness is definitely one of our favourites.

Pictures: Facebook/Youtube/The Kiffness


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