A young man being hailed as “A Glenwoodian Hero” was honored by his school in George for his heroic actions that lead to a girl being saved from drowning.

Over the holiday season Aiden Barret was relaxing by the swimming pool at a Orange River resort. Speaking to Good Things Guy, Aiden says the adults were having a break and the children were playing in the pool.

He thought it was strange when he noticed a little girl who appeared to be doing an upside-down handstand at the bottom of the pool. Barret become confused and wondered why the little girl was also wearing all of her clothes while swimming.

It was then that Barret realised something was wrong and dove in after the girl and pulled her from the water at the side of the pool. While trying to pull her from the pool Barret accidentally bumped her stomach against the side, luckily for the little girl this force was enough to push the water out of her lungs. She gave a huge gasp and began breathing again.

“The next thing I know, a whole lot of water burst from her mouth. I think it happened when her tummy hit the side of the pool,” Barret told Good Things Guy.

Proud of their resident hero, Glenwood House School called up young Barret at a recent school event to praise him for his amazing feat.

Nonetheless, the young man maintains that anyone would have done the same thing in his position and reluctantly accepted the praise, saying that he is just happy the little girl is okay.

Watch the video of the event here:

Picture: Facebook
